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Koushika Nadi Online

About Maharishi Koushika, Koushika Nadi Astrology Online, Koushika Nadi Jothidam

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Vishvamitra was a king in ancient India, also called Kaushika "descendant of Kusha". He was a valiant warrior and the great-grandson of a great king named Kusha. The Valmiki Ramayana, prose 51 of Bala Kanda, starts with the story of Vishvamitra. There was a king named Kusha, a brainchild of Prajapati, and Kusha's son was the powerful and verily righteous Kushanabha. One who is highly renowned by the name Gaadhi was the son of Kushanabha, and Gaadhi's son is this great-saint of great resplendence, Vishvamitra.

Sage Koushika has predicted humanity birth life cycles & their entire life such as past, present & future to guide them to salvation called ‘Moksha’. Sage kousika astrology predictions are called kousika nadi as they are inscribed in palm leaves in India. kousika nadi provides deep analysis & predictions of a person as a forecast using his/her thumb impression. kousika nadi is still being practiced by many nadi astrologer & nadi readers in India which helps many to bring happiness & peace in their life.

Koushika is one of the names of Sage Vishvamitra

Vishvamitra ruled the earth, and this great-resplendent king ruled the kingdom for many thousands of years. His story also appears in various Puranas, however they show variations from the Ramayana. The Vishnu Purana and Harivamsha chapter 27 (dynasty of Amaavasu) of Mahabharatha narrates the birth of Vishvamitra. According to Vishnu Purana, kushika married a damsel belonging to Purukutsa dynasty (later called as Shatamarshana lineage - descendents of the Ikshvaku king Trasadasyu) and had a son by name Gaadhi who had a daughter named Satyavati.

Sage Koushika & Vasishta

On one of his exploits, he and his soldiers took rest in the ashram of Rishi Vasistha. There, his whole army was well fed and taken care of. This caused a doubt in the king's mind as to how it was possible for this simple ashram to take care of all the arrangements to feed an entire army. He expressed his surprise to the sage. Vasistha replied,

"O king, this feast that you have partaken with your kinsmen, has been provided by my calf Nandini (sometimes referred as Sabala), who was gifted to me by Indra. You must know that she is the daughter of Indra's cow Kamadhenu. She provides me with everything I need."

Koushika was filled with wonder when he heard this. He began to think that possessing this cow would mean a lot to him; after all, the sage did not have to provide food and sustenance for a large army everyday. He expressed a desire to the sage for obtaining Nandini from him.

Vasishta was polite, but steadfast in his refusal. He would not be tempted by the offer of untold wealth that was made by Koushika, for after all who can set a price on a cow, which can readily yield all the riches in the world. The king grew exceedingly angry. He insulted the Brahmarishi with harsh words, and ordered his soldiers to seize the cow, and drive it to his kingdom. Nandini was the daughter of Kamdhenu and hence she forcefully protested against the soldiers. Using her powers, she saved the life of Vasishta.

This incident made a deep impression on the King. He realized that the power obtained by penances was far greater than mere physical might. He renounced his kingdom and began his quest to become a greater rishi than Vasistha. He took on the name Vishvamitra. It is very interesting to see all the challenges that Viswamitra faced in his life to become a Brahmarishi, before eventually giving up the greed to possess the cow. After many trials and undergoing many austerities, Vishvamitra at last obtained the title of Brahmarishi from Vasistha himself.

During this time he had a daughter named Shakuntala (who appears in the Mahabharata) with Menaka, an apsara in the court of Indra. Son of Shakuntala became a great emperor. He came to be known as Emperor Bharata, in whose name the land of India got its name Bharatha.

Kousika Nadi Online | Kousika Nadi Jyotish India

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Mr. Selva Muthu Kumaran Phd., Chief Nadi Astrologer at Sri Atri Nadi Astrology Centre.

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